$0 Raised
$11.00 Goal

The number of people living with unaddressed hearing loss and ear diseases within our communities is unacceptable.

Join us in persuading our policy makers to invest in cost-effective interventions that will benefit our communities and bring financial gain to the society.  To integrate person-centred ear and hearing care within national plans for universal health coverage.

A timely action is needed to prevent and address hearing loss across a person lifespan.

What Can I Do??

  • Hearing loss and ear-related diseases can be avoided through preventive measures such as protection against loud sound, immunization, and good ear care practices.
  • People at risk of hearing loss should check their hearing regularly.
  • People with hearing loss and ear related disease should seek care from a licensed health care provider.

Audible Targets…

  • Educating the Youth on Hearing and Ear Health
  • Educating the Community on the effect of Drug Abuse on Hearing and Ear Health
  • Educating Medical Personnel on the effect of Drug Abuse on Hearing and Ear Health



Aguda Surulere Lagos, Nigeria


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